Gun Owners Are Under Attack

Gun Owners Are Under Attack.

Please take some time today and do what you can.  
If you ONLY do one thing, please join the NRA &/or GOA.

Join the NRA, I know they are not perfect but they need support.
The stronger they are, the more effective they can be. 

YouTube has been beating up on gun channel in the last few months.  They have kicked into high gear last week.  Just today a popular channel received strikes against it’s private and unlisted videos.
Here is a quick video explaining what it going on:
They need our help: Like, Share, Subscribe.

Put your money where you mouth is !

I hear many people talking tough but spend more money supporting Starbucks than a pro-gun organization.  Do what you can, even if its just sending $20 to the NRA or another pro-gun group. Join their email list and follow them on social media.  Do Something.
Here is a list:
Take some time to like and follow them on social media.

E-CHCL Qualification

Here is the course of fire for the E-CHCL live fire test.

​The applicant must complete a live-fire proficiency qualification and obtain a score of 35/50 or 70% overall. The instructor may permit the applicant to re-fire the course 3 times. If the applicant fails to obtain the required score after 3 attempts at shooting the course, the instructor must wait 90 days prior to allowing the applicant to re-take the enhanced training course.

The fundamentals of the live-fire course are as follows:

Stage 1: 3 yard line – 20 Rounds:

5 shots fired in a “one shot exercise” – 2 seconds
10 shots fired in a “two shot exercise” – 3 seconds
5 shots fired in 10 seconds

Stage 2: 7 yard line – 20 rounds

5 shots fired in 10 second
2 shots fired in 4 seconds
3 shots fired in 6 seconds
5 shots fired in a “one shot exercise” – 3 seconds
5 shots fired in 15 seconds

Stage 3: 15 yard line – 10 rounds

2 shots fired in 6 seconds
3 shots fired in 9 seconds
5 shots fired in 15 seconds

All shooting is from the “ready” position on a B-27 target. The shooter will be scored “hit” or “miss.” A successful hit will be scored if the round is fired in to or cuts the line of the 7 ring.

Our next scheduled classes are Feb 17 & Mar 17 at 9am

Register HERE

Contact Us with any questions:

Enhanced Concealed Carry (E-CHCL)

We are now offering Enhanced Concealed Carry Training (E-CHCL) !

A Enhanced Permit, E-CHCL, requires a current CHCL. The Enhanced training is a 8 hour course (6 class + 2 shooting). It also serves as a permit renewal if you are within 12 months of expiration.

There is a 50 round qualification similar to law enforcement. It’s shot at 3, 7, &  15 yards and requires 35/50 to qualify. You get 3 attempts.

The enhancement allows you to carry your firearm in areas that a standard permit holder are prohibited; for example: churches, bars, athletic events, and colleges.

Our next scheduled classes are Feb 17 & Mar 17 at 9am

Register HERE

Contact Us with any questions:

8 Essential Truth for Active Shooters

“In times of crisis, the public looks to leaders, and you must be ready to show them that the way forward is through promoting freedom, not restricting it; that the way forward is through strength and courage, not weakness and fear; that the way forward is to enjoy and live our lives in the full confidence that we are ready to confront and defeat evil when it rises, not to live our lives in the shadows, hoping that it won’t notice us. A fearful public needs a strong and courageous role model in a time of darkness. Let that be you!”

The article is written for (and by) law enforcement, but the principles apply to everyone. Only the law abiding obey laws.  Laws do not stop evil or criminals: murder is illegal, drugs are Illegal, drinking and driving is illegal, rape is illegal, yet they still happen everyday.  We have seen violent crime steadily dropping over there last few years, at the same time Americans have purchased hundreds of millions of new firearms.  Firearms are tools.  No different than a hammer, knife, ladder, or a truck.  Consequently the previous four tools listed kill 14 times more people than firearms.

Stay strong and stick to the fundamentals. If anyone is interested in active shooter training please let us know.



Here is the full article from Mike Wood on

8 essential truths about MCI response plans in the wake of the Vegas attack

The Las Vegas attack and response are reminders that public safety needs to stick with and execute our plan, not create a new one

There is nothing about the Las Vegas active shooter attack that calls for a new approach. The highly professional and well-executed response of public safety agencies in Las Vegas demonstrates that we’re on track, and already working on the things we need to in order to deal with events like these. The Las Vegas attack and response are reminders that we need to stick with and execute our plan, not create a new one.

With this in mind, let’s remind ourselves about the elements of our MCI response plans, along with some essential truths we must not forget while emotions run high:

1. Evil exists

This is no surprise to any police officer. You see evil every day, but the public doesn’t, and they certainly don’t see it writ large like they did in Las Vegas. The majority of people are still reeling in shock and confusion, and struggling to answer unanswerable questions, yet one thing is crystal clear in the midst of all this fog: Evil exists. You can’t wish it away or ignore it. The only thing you can do is be ready to crush it without mercy when it shows up. As a protector of your fellow man, you must accept this truth and prepare yourself physically, mentally and emotionally for that duty. Let it fuel you.

2. Active shooter training pays off

It’s vital that you are ready to counter this threat, as a solo officer and as a team member. If you don’t know what you’re supposed to do as the first responding officer to an active shooter scene, you need to fix that.

If you don’t have rifle-rated armor; a rifle you know how to shoot effectively; a bail-out bag with loaded magazines, first-aid supplies and basic breaching tools immediately available to you when you’re on patrol, you need to fix that.

If you don’t know how to rapidly clear a building as a member of a hasty contact team that’s hunting the shooter, you need to fix that.

If you’re not sure if you’re supposed to stop and provide medical aid to someone before the shooter is stopped, you need to fix that.

We will only see an increase in these kinds of attacks in the future, so make sure you are trained, equipped, and mentally and emotionally prepared to deal with them effectively.

3. Tactical combat casualty care training is a must

You must understand the basics of how to stop bleeding and open/preserve airways in a tactical environment.

You must have a suitable individual first aid kit (IFAK) on your person, not in your car, and the knowledge and skill to use it.

You must understand how to self-apply a tourniquet or dressing to save your own life.

You must have ready access to a mass casualty kit, with enough supplies to treat multiple casualties and IFAK supplies for yourself.

You must understand how and when to evacuate a casualty.

You must understand that security is a prerequisite to providing medical care.

4. Public safety integration is key to a successful response

The days of public safety stovepipes are over. Police, fire and EMS must be organized, trained and equipped to operate in an integrated and coordinated manner.

There are no red teams or blue teams any longer – you must move your agency toward a “purple” operational capability in which all public safety specialties understand how they will combine forces and work together during an emergency.

Establish protocols now for casualty collection points, insertion of fire/EMS assets into “warm” or “hot” zones, and dealing with attackers and fire simultaneously. Train together so that personnel from each agency are ready to work together in an emergency.

5. Complex, coordinated attacks (CCAs) are a threat

A single shooter caused all the chaos in Las Vegas. Imagine if there had been another, working in a location across town. If your agency isn’t working on ways to address CCAs, then it’s time to get serious, because the enemy has been successful with this strategy overseas and we should expect them to employ it on our shores soon. A CCA will significantly strain communications, resources, leadership and logistics, and make it extremely difficult to respond in a coordinated manner. They’re coming. Get ready for them now.

6. Civilians can be a force multiplier

You cannot protect the public by yourself. You need the public to be your ally and an active participant in their own rescue. Educate the public on active shooter protocols and combat casualty care essentials. Help to organize and train them in initial response to fires, natural disasters, and criminal or terror attacks. Teach them the ethical and lawful use of force in self-defense, and support their ability to do so.

There are too many citizens out there for even the largest of police departments to serve in a crisis, so use your skill, experience and resources to turn them into a force multiplier.

7. Law enforcement must take an all-hazards approach

The attacker holds the initiative, and gets to choose the battlefield. You cannot predict what the next attack will look like, nor defend against all possibilities. The enemy is constantly changing his tactics to stay a step ahead of your defenses.

When it becomes too difficult to plan a bomb attack, they use a gun. If a gun won’t work, they use a truck, or a knife, or a can of gasoline and a match. If a hardened target is too difficult to hit, they will switch to a soft one.

So, how can you possibly prepare for all these possibilities? Focus on the basics:

  • Ensure your communications are clear and disciplined, and your networks are protected and redundant;
  • Ensure you are highly skilled in the use of your issued equipment – guns, medical, rescue, communications, vehicle, etc.;
  • Wear your vest, and have ready access to a helmet, gloves, plates, a mask, and other essential protective equipment;
  • Ensure you are ready to fulfill the responsibilities of being an on-scene leader until you are relieved;
  • Know and understand your tactics. If you are prepared to execute all the duties of your job with the highest level of skill, then you have done everything necessary to be ready for the unexpected and unpredictable.

8. Police officers are role models

Frightened people will agree to surrender their liberty in exchange for promises of security. It’s our job to protect and preserve that liberty, not to play a role in its destruction.

There is no amount of regulation or prohibition that will prevent evil from accessing something that can be used as a weapon. There is no amount of surveillance or control that will provide absolute security. There are no laws that will prevent evil from attacking innocents.

In times of crisis, the public looks to law enforcement for leadership, and you must be ready to show them that the way forward is through promoting freedom, not restricting it; that the way forward is through strength and courage, not weakness and fear; that the way forward is to enjoy and live our lives in the full confidence that we are ready to confront and defeat evil when it rises, not to live our lives in the shadows, hoping that it won’t notice us. A fearful public needs a strong and courageous role model in a time of darkness. Let that be you!

I salute the public safety professionals that resolved the Las Vegas attack so quickly, and all of you who stand ready to do the same in your communities. There is no place beyond the reach of evil – it can show its face anywhere, anytime. So be ready, be safe, and may God bless all of you.

Laws Only Restrict the Law-Abiding

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined, nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailant; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one.”

– Thomas Jefferson


Great Video about Gun Free Zones:

Spring Class Dates

Our next 2 classes are Saturday, April 8th and May 6th, at 9am.

Anyone wanting a few hours of private instruction please contact us, we would like to accommodate that after the Concealed Carry Classes while we are all set up.

London Terror Attack: Speak the Truth

Speak the Truth

(Disclaimer: We try not to get political at NWAD, but this is a growing problem that will effect everyone and our future generations.)

Again we have an opportunity…  An opportunity to face the facts that we are at war with radical islam or continue to deny and placate islam (and many liberals & democrats).  Face the facts.  If we continue to mettle in the middle east and at the same time bring in people who hold beliefs antithetical to ours, we will continue to see these attacks and should expect more.

Stand up for Our beliefs, don’t let others guilt or pressure you into denying facts, and prepare yourselves.  We are here to help.


Governor Signs Concealed Carry Enhancment Bill in Arkansas

Governor Signs Concealed Carry Enhancment Bill in Arkansas

Release from NRA: Arkansas gun owners celebrated today as Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed House Bill 1249 into law. Providing more protection for gun owners, HB 1249 creates an enhanced carry permit system that allows licensees to carry firearms in most gun-free zones. Licensees would generally not be prohibited from carrying a concealed handgun into or on the following places:

  • Public college and university campuses
  • Public buildings other than courtrooms, K-12 schools, and correction facilities
  • Any meeting place of the governing body of any governmental entity
  • Any meeting of the General Assembly or a committee of the General Assembly
  • Any state office
  • Any athletic event not related to firearms
  • Any portion of an establishment, except a restaurant as defined in § 3-5-1202, licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
  • Any portion of an establishment, except a restaurant as defined in § 3-5-1202, where beer or light wine is consumed on the premises
  • Inside the passenger terminal of any airport
  • Any church or other place of worship
  • Any place where a parade or demonstration requiring a permit is being held, and the licensee is a participant in the parade or demonstration


“Only criminals can find safety in gun-free zones,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. “By allowing enhanced permit holders to carry in more places, Gov. Hutchinson has made Arkansas a safer place to live.”

HB 1249 was originally introduced as a limited campus carry bill. After weeks of hearings and negotiations, the legislation evolved to provide significant benefits for law-abiding citizens who choose to upgrade their concealed carry license. With the enhanced permits, licensees are better able to exercise their right to self-defense if attacked by violent criminals.

“On behalf of the NRA’s five million members, we thank Gov. Hutchinson, Rep. Collins, as well as leaders in the House and Senate for their efforts to expand the recognition of the constitutionally protected right to self-defense for law abiding Arkansans,” Cox concluded.

Enhanced permits will be available in early 2018

Enhanced Carry Permit Legislation Headed to House Floor for Concurrence!

Arkansas: Enhanced Carry Permit Legislation Headed to House Floor for Concurrence!

Today, the Arkansas House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 1249 with an NRA-supported amendment.   HB 1249 now goes to full House of Representatives for a concurrence vote.  Please contact your state Representative and urge them to concur on this important legislation!

HB 1249, as amended, would establish an enhanced carry permit that will greatly expand where permit holders may lawfully carry firearms for personal protection.

First and foremost, the enhanced permit will allow for carrying on public college and university campuses, without the unnecessary prohibited areas that had caused concern with the original version of HB 1249.  The enhanced permit will also allow for the lawful carrying of a concealed firearm in many places that are currently prohibited under the existing permit system, including the State Capitol, and in areas of restaurants where alcohol is served, to name a few.   As amended, HB 1249 does not contain the unacceptable age restriction of being only applicable to those who are at least 25 years old.  If you can qualify for the current permit, you can qualify for the enhanced permit.  While additional training of up to eight hours is a component of the enhanced permit, current licensees may waive up to four hours of that training, due to the training they have already received.

Again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state Representative and urge them to concur on HB 1249!  Stay tuned to your email inbox and for further updates on this bill.