Situational Awareness Seminar

Situational Awareness Seminar in West Fork
March 22, 6-9pm

UPDATE: Seminar is FREE when you use the discount code “Freinds”

There will also be a door prize: a free Concealed Carry Class from NWA Defense. Hosted by the West Fork First Baptist Church at 244 N. Centennial Ave in West Fork.

Use the NWA Defense discount code: “friends” and you can take the training for FREE. You can also pick the option to pay with cash and use the NWA Defense friends code at the door for FREE entry.

See you Thursday night at 6pm!


Just like your proficiency with a firearm, having the ability to understand and assess your surroundings is essential to your survival. Gain the training you need by learning to read your environment, assess your options, and react efficiently at a Situational Awareness Seminar. Being truly aware of your surroundings is critical to your safety, and the safety of your loved ones. Register now, and strengthen your skills.